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Morning Fog

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.

                              E.L. Doctorow

Keeping ahead, just barely, of the pace of sales at our two local bookstores

As fast as my book orders arrive, I take another batch in to restock the shelves
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The last, large parcel of ocean-front real estate on Amelia Island represents a vast fortune for the three siblings who inherit ownership rights to it—a trust that requires the assent of all three as a condition of its sale. One of them, Derek, the youngest, has made a deathbed promise to his father never to trade away the family’s generations-old legacy and ties to the land, known as Bitter End. His older brother and sister, however, have very different visions of the land’s value—not just as immediate solutions to pressing financial needs but as the source of substantial long-term wealth. 


The dispute simmers until Derek goes missing under suspicious circumstances. When his body turns up in a shallow grave, it sets off shock waves that reverberate from Amelia Island to Washington D.C., from Moscow to the Cayman Islands. Shadowy figures operate in the murky fringes of the international banking system and thrive in a part of the world where life is cheap. Derek’s murder is only the first installment in a fearful price the family pays for their dysfunction.

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A hasty, ill-considered decision in mid-ocean forces an adulterous couple into a lethal cul-de-sac.

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The work in progress referenced below

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Lifted a plot element from this book to help one character

do away with another in DROWNING

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